Are you a goddess?
You can now purchase the Bastet Earrings and Bracelet on XStreet - this is great for those of you who wish to GIFT!!! Bastet Earrings and Bracelet on XStreet
Think you're a goddess? Maybe believe that you were once a cat in a former life... Then this jewelry is for you! Purrfectly shaped sculpted jewelry! So chic and still so adorable.
Earrings so cute and dainty with a charm bracelet to match! Only L$400 for the set. Elegant and inspired - goes with just about anything, especially any number of the wild cat print clothing items from Second Wave Apparel.
Available at Second Wave Apparel @ Soigne
Just a word on the backstory on this - the sculpts are mine, but my Sis - Iseult is my partner on this and we both made the items. So credit goes where credit is due. Thank you Iseult for the Gems and tiny tiny jewelry findings - I couldn't have done it without you!
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